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How do I get involved?

  • Contact your local extension agent to learn more about regenerative grazing practices and how to get involved.

  • Contact project developers directly to learn more about available options and how to sign up. We have compiled a list of questions you can ask to ensure you are fully informed. Contacting a developer directly is the best way to ensure that you have all of the details about how a specific project would work and the answers to questions specific to your farm and situation. 

  • Contact the Duke Carbon Offsets Initiative if you have questions about carbon markets and regenerative practices in general or would like more resources from us. Click here to email us.

  • Research the specific protocols. Protocols are a list of rules that a project must follow to ensure that the project is creating carbon credits. Companies may develop their own protocols or use protocols from other places. Below is a table with information about some of the possible protocols you might work within. We identified these protocols as some of the best, but many different protocols exist. If you are curious to see more protocols and their rankings, check out this website: 



The methods used to determine and sell soil carbon credits will vary depending on your situation and the project developer you are working with. We recommend asking the following clarifying questions to get essential information before signing on with a project. 


  1. What happens if I abide by our agreement but don’t sequester (enough) carbon? (Ex: due to fire, drought, or just a fluke.)  

  2. What is the average amount of carbon sequestered per acre for your farmers employing the practice(s) similar to mine?  

  3. Is there a limit to how many carbon credits per acre I can receive? 

  4. What is the average price per ton of carbon sequestered that your farmers receive?  

  5. How often will I be paid?  

  6. How will soil carbon be measured and how often will these measurements need to be taken?

  7. Am I responsible for finding/hiring a monitor (person who measures soil properties)?  

  8. Am I responsible for finding/hiring a verifier (person who corroborates stored carbon findings)? 

  9. Who owns my data, and what can the aggregator or data manager do with the data that they collect from my farm? Will they share my data with anyone?

  10. What regenerative practices do I have to employ? 

  11. If I have already been using regenerative practices, do I need to employ an additional practice? 

  12. How long do I have to commit to maintaining these regenerative practices? 

  13. What are terms of the contract I will have to sign (for example, contract length, penalty for terminating the contract, etc.)?

  14. What if the land changes hands during the project?




Time Requirement
Typical Pricing (as of Spring 2022)
Monitoring Frequency
Required / suggested practices
100 years
Ask project developer
Ask Project developer

Emissions are measured by:

  • total acres burned and cause(s) of fire(s)

  • animal grazing days by livestock category

  • mass of organic fertilizer applied

  • nitrogen content of organic fertilizer applied

  • quantity of electricity used

Not available
Ask project developer
To verify sequestration activities, soil sampling will occur every five years either through direct measuring or soil sampling. Monitoring will occur every five years. 
  • reduced fertilizer

  • improved water management

  • reduced tillage,

  • improved planting/harvesting (i.e., cover cropping, agroforestry)

  • improved grazing practices.

10 years
average carbon credit price $15 - $35*
Monitoring must occur in years 1, 4, 7, and 10. Soil monitor must be approved on Regen Registry.  
  • no till

  • cover cropping

  • crop rotation

  • rotational grazing

  • agroforestry.

* see FAQ for more information on what this means

See CarbonPlan for more information

Verra Protocols

VM 0026 Methodology for Sustainable Grassland Management & Verra Improved Agriculture 

  • To use this protocol, the land owner must provide baseline soil carbon measurements, climate variables, and soil properties before starting.

  • A project is eligible if it is either cropland or grassland.

Regen Protocol: 

  • The land must not be converted from forest land, wetlands or any other Natural ecosystem in the 10-year period prior to the Project’s Adoption Date.

  • Farming practices must be an approved regenerative grasslands and/grazing activity which has been implemented within last 10 years. Additionally, land owner must be able to collect soil data.


CAR (grassland protocol): 

  • Project land must be located in the conterminous U.S. and tribal areas. Project will need to maintain stored carbon for at least 100 years following issuance of CRTs.

  • Grasslands can acquire wetland credits and endangered species habitat credits. Additionally, these projects may qualify for Landscape-Scale payments and Enhancement Payments.

Developer Questions
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Cattle in Pasture

© 2022 by Regenerative Grazing NC, a project of Duke Bass Connections. 

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