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Grazing NC

Insurance Policy Recommendations

Insurance Policy Recommendations

Improve Whole Farm Revenue Protection program to include risk management discounts for regenerative grazing farmers

​Summary: ​​​

The Whole-Farm Revenue Protection Pilot Program was introduced in the 2014 farm bill. WFRP was a new form of crop insurance that provided risk management and insurance for the entire farm under the same policy. The USDA should improve the Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) program by including discounts for regenerative graziers because regenerative grazing practices reduce overall farm risk and provide many co-benefits. This provision was originally included in the Senate version of the 2018 Farm Bill, however, after Farm Bill conference committee negotiations, it was removed from the final version of the legislation. The practice of providing discounted insurance is used in the auto insurance industry by providing “good driver discounts”. Regenerative grazing builds on farm resilience and improves soil organic matter reducing the overall exposure a farm has to extreme events and thus relying less on insurance payouts.


Recommendation:  ​

The WFRP program should include premium discounts for farmers who practice regenerative grazing.  

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